Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) Trigger Point Dry Needling

IMS Clinical Study References
The following are the published clinical research papers referenced on the page ‘Why IMS?’ You can view or download a copy (PDF format) of each document by clicking on the 'View Item' buttons to the left. You do need a PDF viewer installed on your computer to open these document files. Note: This website and the reference items on this page are best viewed with Internet Explorer browser.
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Kim JK, Lim KJ, Kim C, Kim HS. Intramuscular stimulation therapy in failed back surgery syndrome patients. J Korean Pain Soc 2003 16:60-67 (In Korean with English introduction)
Ga H, Koh HJ, Choi JH, Kim CH. Intramuscular and nerve root stimulation vs lidocaine injection of trigger points in myofascial pain syndrome. J Rehabil Med 2007 39: 374-378
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Couto C, de Souza ICC, Torres ILS, Fregni F, Caumo W. Paraspinal stimulation combined with trigger point needling and needle rotation for the treatment of myofascial pain: a randomized sham-controlled clinical trial. Clin J Pain 2014 30:214-223
Authors: David M. Kietrys, PT, PhD, OCS1, Kerstin M. Palombaro, PT, PhD, CAPS2, Erica Azzaretto, PT, DPT3, Richard Hubler, PT, DPT4, Bret Schaller, PT, DPT5, J. Mathew Schlussel, DPT, Mary Tucker, PT, DPT6 Effectiveness of Dry Needling for Upper-Quarter Myofascial Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Published: Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 2013, Volume: 43 Issue: 9 Pages: 620-634 doi:10.2519/jospt.2013.4668 Read More.
Leonid Kalichman, PT, PhD, and Simon Vulfsons, MD Dry Needling in the Management of Musculoskeletal Pain JABFM September–October 2010 Vol. 23 No. 5 http://www.jabfm.org